大槻 将久

大槻将久(おおつき のぶひさ)

1982年生まれ、神奈川県横浜市出身。愛知県の大手自動車会社にて医療介護ロボット開発に従事。幼少期より、モノづくりが好きで発明クラブなどに参加。パソコンやモノづくりに熱中するあまり、14歳から通学をやめ社会に出る。16歳で再度モノづくりのための勉学を志し単身渡米、現地高校を経て大学に進み電子工学・コンピュータ科学を学ぶ。現在は有志のモノづくり仲間と共にMONO Creator’s Labを設立、人を幸せにするもの、人の可能性や視野を広げるものをテーマに、幅広いロボットの開発に携わる。

Nobuhisa Otsuki

Born in Yokohama city, Kanagawa in 1982. As an engineer for a major automaker, Nobuhisa Otsuki was engaged in developing medical rehabilitation robots. As a child, he loved making things, and was involved in groups such as the invention club. At the age of 14, he has dropped out of school to devote himself to innovations and computers. When he was 16, he returned to school by studying abroad in the United States to further study innovation. After completing high school, he proceeded in attending a university in studying Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, he has established MONO Creator’s Lab with his fellow innovators, and is involved in the development of a wide range of robots under the theme of happiness, and expanding the possibilities and visions of people.

TEDx Talks:

Why I continue to create secret gadgets | Nobuhisa Otsuki | TEDxAnjo

幼い頃からものづくりを続け、エンジニアになった大槻将久が、仲間たちとつくる「ひみつ道具」の世界をのぞいてみませんか? 「できたらいいな」が形になったら、どんなひみつ道具になるのか、彼のチームはどうやってそれを実現しているのか。今までの「ひみつ道具」を紹介しつつ、彼が没頭するものづくりの魅力をユーモアたっぷりに語ります。

Let’s take a look inside the world of “Secret Gadgets” created by Nobuhisa Otsuki who has been making things as a child. When your ‘what-if’s’ become tangible, what kind of secret gadget will it become? How will he and his team make it happen? As he introduces his past gadgets, he talks in humor about the charm of his immersed innovations.