杉浦 亜紗比(すぎうら あさひ)
Asahi Sugiura
Hair and Makeup Artist
Born in Osaka in 1977, and raised in Okazaki, Aichi, Japan.Asahi first visited Tiulon, a small undeveloped village deep in a jungle of Borneo island in Malaysia in 2001 as a participant of a reforestation tour by OISCA. Fascinated so much by people in Tiulon, she revisited there again and again. From 2007 she started fundraising to improve Tiulon’s living environment. Although she didn’t have any experience of fundraising and had to start it from scratch, she could gather almost $10,000 just in a year. Her personal action gradually evolved from simple fundraising into a reforestation project cooperating with the OISCA Chubu Japan Training Center.
TEDx Talks:
Why mutual support continues so naturally | Asahi Sugiura | TEDxAnjo
Donating or volunteering is not very common among people in Japan yet. Not so many would regard “global support activities” as something they do by themselves. Asahi Sugiura was no exception. After an encounter with Tiulon, a tiny uncharted village in south-east Asia, dramatically changed her life, and she has been supporting people there for over 10 years. Now she tells us how reasonable and continuous connections and supports are possible.