佐山 和弘

佐山 和弘(さやま かずひろ)


Kazuhiro Sayama
Inheritance Administrative Scrivener / Business Succession Advisor

Born in Tokai city, Aichi, in 1966. While working hard as the first-born son for his father’s sushi restaurant, he was forced to face inheritance trouble caused by the sudden death of his father. After struggling through his sad experience, he decided to commit himself to help prevent any other families from being torn apart by tragic inheritance problems. Wishing to create happy inheritance experiences to keep eternal family bonds, he became an inheritance administrative scrivener. Besides his ordinary business services, he eagerly travels all over Japan offering a seminar to teach legal knowledge about happy inheritance experiences called “The most amusing lesson for a happy inheritance and will in Japan.” Also, he teaches non-legal knowledge and methods for creating desirable environments for happier inheritances, and is a professional will consultant as well as a level 1 grief-care advisor, too.

TEDx Talks:

The last and best gift for your family | Kazuhiro Sayama | TEDxAnjo

あなたは遺産相続のことを考えたことがありますか? あなたの死による悲しみや混乱を越えた先、あなたは家族にどう生きていてもらいたいでしょう? 誰にでもいつかは必ずやってくる死。そのあとに必ず通る遺産相続という危ない橋。佐山和弘はその危ない橋を、あなた自身で家族への最高のギフトにすることもできるシンプルで賢いコツを教えてくれます。

Have you ever thought about inheritance? After going through sadness and confusion of your death, how would you like your family to live on? Every one of us will face death someday. And sure enough, your family will be forced to survive a risky process of inheritance. Kazuhiro Sayama shares some wise and simple wisdom for a happy inheritance which enables you to give the best gift for your family.