堂嶋 賢征

堂嶋 賢征(どうじま けんせい)

1987年生まれ。14歳の頃「同級生が大学から始めることを今始めれば世界一になれる」と思い立ち、解剖学を学び始める。以降カラダとココロに関する様々な学びを経て、高校卒業後単身渡米。帰国後2009年に鍼灸院を開業。鍼を刺さない鍼灸師として日本各地で治療を行う。2013年TEDxTokyoyz ver.3.0に登壇。現在は個人治療からフィールドを広げ、講演、企業顧問、ソーシャルアートなど幅広く活動している。また、世界各国の健康をテーマにしたドキュメンタリー映像「What Is Health」を製作中。

Kensei Doujima
Therapeutist / Social artist

Born in 1987. At the age of 14, Dojima started learning anatomy, under the idea that he will be “Number one in the world if the learning process starts now instead of waiting until college.” Since then, he has learned different aspects of the human body and mind, and flew to the United States to study abroad after graduating from high school. After coming back to Japan in 2009, he opened a clinic for acupuncture and moxibustion. As an acupuncturist who doesn’t use needles, he sees patients all over Japan. Doujima was a speaker at TEDxTokyoyz ver.3.0 in 2013. He not only does private treatment, but he has also widened his field as a lecturer, a company advisor, and a social artist. Currently, he is making the documentary film “What Is Health,” with a theme of world health.

TEDx Talks:

Discovering the best turning point | Kensei Dojima | TEDxAnjo

「私たちは自分の人生の転機よりも他人の人生の転機に関わることが多い」 そう言い切る鍼灸師、堂嶋賢征の下には、自分の生き方を探っている若者が沢山集まってきます。堂嶋は最近関わった若い二人の大きな変化を例に挙げながら、その人にとって最良の転機を生み出す秘訣を語ります。

“We have a better chance of coming across a turning point of others, rather than your own.” This is therapeutist, Kensei Dojima’s thoughts as many youths gather around him, seeking for ways of life. Introducing the concrete changes of two youths’ experiences he took part in, Dojima talks about the key points in discovering the ideal turning points of one’s life.