三輪 久美子(みわ くみこ)
1999年三重県生まれ愛知県武豊町育ち。名城大学法学部4年。カンボジアの小学校やフィリピンのゴミ山に行ったことで「大量生産・大量消費・大量廃棄」の経済システムに疑問を持つ。その後「地球にやさしいを当たり前に」をコンセプトにCleanGreen という環境団体を立ち上げ、生ゴミを堆肥化させるコンポストを手軽に始められるキットの商品開発を行った。現在は環境分野のイノベーター輩出を目的とした「Green Innovator Academy」の学生事務局を行っている。
Kumiko Miwa
University student
Born in Mie Prefecture in 1999 and raised in Taketoyo, Aichi Prefecture. Studying law at Meijo University as a senior. After visiting an elementary scholl in Cambodia and trash heaps in the Philippines, she began questioning the economic system of “mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal”. Then Kumiko launched an environmental organization called CleanGreen with the concept of “making the earth-friendly as a matter of course” and developed a product kit to start composting food waste easily. She is currently working as the student secretary of the Green Innovator Academy, which aims to produce innovators in the environmental field.