愛知県名古屋市出身。インダストリアルデザイン会社で製品開発や博覧会コンセプトプランニング、まちづくり基本計画等に従事。その後数社で商品企画開発(MD)や店舗立上げ、ヘルスケアデザイン事業コンサルティングを行い。2012年にヘルスケア分野のデザインリサーチファームとして(株)MTヘルスケアデザイン研究所を創業。デザイン思考による製品・サービスの開発、現場導入を提唱。2017年には日本次世代型先進高齢社会研究機構(Aging Japan)を設立。現在はヘルスケアプロダクト及びサービスデザイン開発、医療・介護機器評価・人材育成の分野で、国内外で幅広く連携し活動している。
Yasuko Akutsu | Aging and Healthcare Design Researcher
Born in Nagoya City, Aichi prefecture, she engaged in product development, exhibition concept planning, and urban planning at an industrial design company. Later on, she ventured into product merchandising, store setup, and healthcare design consulting business. In 2012, she took a visionary step and founded MT Healthcare Design Institute. This endeavor focused on design research for the healthcare sector while simultaneously advocating for the application of design thinking in developing and implementing products and services. In 2017, she initiated Aging Japan. Her passion and expertise now extend far and wide, collaborating extensively domestically and internationally in healthcare product and service design, medical and caregiving equipment evaluation, and personnel development.
The aging society is progressing not only in Japan but around the world. What kind of life do we want to lead in 2050, when it is expected to peak? Yasuko Akutsu, an aging and healthcare design researcher, envisions a future where people can live their own vibrant lives even when their physical and cognitive abilities decline. She speaks strongly about Co-Designing technologies that we, as older people, want with younger people and bringing them into society.