2010年生まれ、名古屋市在住の中学1年生。 小さい頃から工作やブロックが好きで、TV番組の影響で小学1年生からプログラミングをはじめる。まもなく数々の大会で入賞するようになる。17歳以下の卓越したIT技術者を支援するプログラム「未踏ジュニア」で、11歳でスーパークリエイターに認定。また、世界最大級女性向けアプリ開発コンテスト「Technovation Girls」で、2022年に「Regional Winner(Asia)」、2023年に「Special Award Winners(Climate Prize)」に選出される。
Akari Kawaguchi | Application Developer
Born in 2010, she is now in the 7th grade at a middle school in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. She has liked handicrafts and building blocks since she was a child and was influenced by TV programs to start programming in the first grade of elementary school. She quickly started winning prizes in many competitions. At the age of 11, she was certified as a Super Creator by the Mitou Junior program, which supports outstanding IT engineers under the age of 17. Moreover, she was selected as a “Regional Winner (Asia)” in the world’s largest app development contest for women, “Technovation Girls,” in 2022 and won the “Special Award (Climate Prize)” in 2023.
Even at the age of 13, Akari Kawaguchi has been programming for six years. Her app honestly expresses her feelings, such as “It would be interesting if things turned out like this.” and “I would be happy if things turned out like this!” In this talk, she will vividly talk about the appeal of programming while introducing her richly imaginative and expressive apps.