鈴木 一太郎 (すずき いちたろう) 現代アーティスト
主な受賞歴・個展に、東京Midtown Award 2013 グランプリ受賞、サイバーエージェント学生版モックアップアプリコンテスト 金賞、個展「あたまのなかでは、触れている」(PIギャラリー)、個展「dis⇔play」など。
Ichitaro Suzuki Modern artist
Born in Gifu, Japan in 1988.
Ph.D. with Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music Graduate School.
He creates very realistic 3D sculptures out of 2D drawings like digital images including dot drawing and pixel arts. He is very eager to seek new modern sculptural expressions. As the first exhibition using AR/VR at a public museum, his work was displayed at Gifu Prefectural Museum.
His main achievements are the first prize of Tokyo Midtown Award 2013 and the gold medal at Mock Up Application Competition for cyber agent students. His solo exhibitions are “Inside head, I am touching” at PI Gallary, “dis⇔play”, and others.
TEDx Talks:
Make “the Existence” Art | Ichitaro Suzuki | TEDxAnjo
People who get used to TV games and the Internet from childhood have an original value that previous society didn’t have. Modern artist, Ichitaro Suzuki, reaches to the pixel art as the form express the digital information society.
You’ll see the deep insight about the modern world through the work with the question “Why he express like this?”