船橋 康貴 (ふなはし やすき) 養蜂家 兼 環境活動家
一般社団法人ハニーファーム代表理事 みつばち幸せ街づくり実行委員会代表。環境コンサルティング会社社長や省エネルギー普及指導員、愛知県地球温暖化防止活動推進員、経済産業省産業構造審議会環境部会委員等を歴任する。その後、みつばちに出会い、自然への尊敬の想いが伝わり腑に落ちたため、全てを捨てて「ハニーファーム」を設立。東山動植物園、愛・地球博記念公園にてみつばちを飼い、ハチ育を行う。採れた蜂蜜は、本番フランスの専門家が、世界一美味しいと評価。更にパリオペラ座と連携など、みつばち絶滅回避による食料危機問題について世界の養蜂家やアーティストに協力を訴え、精力的に活動中。
Yasuki Funahashi Environmental Activist & Beekeeper
Representative director of Honey Farm General Incorporated Association, and Committee of Honey Bee Happy Community Development.
Starting his life from a CEO of an environmental consulting company, he devoted himself in various environmental actions including Environmental Committee of METI Industrial Structure Council. The encounter with honey bees opened his eyes to the great dignity of nature, and he founded Honey Farm. He demonstrated bee education by raising honey bees at Higashiyama Botanical Garden and Zoo (Nagoya) and during Aichi Expo 2005. His honey was prized as the most delicious honey in the world by a French honey specialist. From there he has been vigorously trying to solve world food crisis by preventing honey bee extinction with the Opera House in Paris, beekeepers and artists around the world.
TEDx Talks:
Bees are Our Greatest Teachers|Yasuki Funahashi
One third of our food is delivered by bee pollination. However, there is a fact that many bees disappear all over the world. Yasuki Funabashi, as an apiarist, started “Bee Education” to protect bees. What can we learn from bees? Talk intensely with lots of love.