荒井 和樹(あらい かずき)| 保育士・社会福祉士
1982年、北海道生まれ。日本福祉大学大学院卒。児童養護施設職員として在職中、教育や公的福祉の枠組みから外れる子どもたちと出会い、支援の重複や機会の不平等に直面する。子どもたちを支援や保護の対象(客体)として捉えるのではなく、課題解決の主体として迎え、2012年に全国こども福祉センターを組織、2013年に法人化する。繁華街やSNSで子ども・若者とフィールドワークを重ね、8年間で、1万4千人以上の子ども・若者に活動できる環境を提供。著書に『子ども・若者が創るアウトリーチ 支援を前提としない新しい子ども家庭福祉』(アイ・エスエヌ)。
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, in 1982 and graduated from Nihon Fukushi Graduate University. While Arai worked at an orphanage, he met children excluded from the framework of education and public welfare. There he was forced to confront the reality of unnecessary support duplications and the inequality of opportunity. In 2013 he founded a non-profit organization, National Child Welfare Center to welcome children as subjects of problem-solving rather than treating them as objects of support and protection. Through eight years of field work with young people in downtown areas and SNS, his organization has been providing an environment where more than 14,000 struggling young people can find their way of living by themselves. He is the author of “Outreach Created by Children and Youth – New Child/Family Welfare without Assuming Social Support” (I.SN)
TEDx Talks:
The simplest way to support children | Kazuki Arai | TEDxAnjo
Why can such a simple action can be effective to support kids fallen out of education systems or public welfare services? Arai tells us their true voices along with his experience.