清長 豊

清長 豊(きよなが ゆたか)|  学習支援者

Yutaka Kiyonaga|Learning support specialist
Born in Tenri, Nara, Japan in 1980. He was engaged in research on “Learning support for children with developmental disabilities using ICT teaching materials” at Primate Research Institute in Kyoto University. After working as an instructor at a developmental disability center and as an elementary school teacher, he founded a non-profit organization, ADJUST in 2016. Taking advantage of his childhood struggles of adjusting to his surroundings, he provides learning support classes for children with those difficulties at home or school as well as consulting teachers at local elementary and junior high schools so they can construct more comfortable relationship with their students. Also he teaches many parents and educational professionals how to interpret their words and feelings, and wishes to make more people understand these exciting challenged children.


TEDx Talks:

“You are so talented in this!” opens up future of children’s life | Yutaka Kiyonaga | TEDxAnjo


Yutaka Kiyonaga works with children of various learning difficulties. Their difficulties sometimes make their social life harder, and we tend to focus only on their difficulties. How should we acknowledge them and live together? Kiyonaga, using his magic phrase, inspires them to utilize their unique gifts through their life. He passionately invites all of us to create a society where all children can be as they are smiling with excitement.