1970年愛知県瀬戸市生まれ。愛知県立 瀬戸窯業高等学校 デザイン課を卒業後、商店の装飾会社や自動車関連会社でデザイナーとして従事、30歳で独立し、後に法人化。2017年よりモノづくりとデザインの価値を高めるために、国内の職人や地元の町工場とのコラボレーションによって新たなモノを生み出す活動を始め、そのデザインが世界で高く評価されている。ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2021にて2作品がグランプリと金賞をダブル受賞。German Design Awards 2022で4作品がノミネートされ、内2作品が受賞した。ICONIC AWARDS 2022 Innovative Interior部門にノミネートされた2作品は共に受賞した。
Mizuno Kenichi | Designer
Born in 1970 Seto, Aichi, Japan. After graduating from the design division of Aichi Prefectural Seto Ceramic High School, Kenichi Mizuno worked as a designer in different industries like a store decoration company and an automobile-related company. At age 30, he went out on his own. In 2017, he started a project making new products collaborated with local factories and artisans to gain value of manufacturing and design. Awards around the world highly praise its design. Two of his works won the Grand prize and the Gold winner at the ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2021. The German Design Awards 2022 ( four works nominations, including two won). The ICONIC AWARDS 2022 Innovative Interior category (two works nominations, both won).
TEDx Talks:
Why I’m Obsessed with Designs that Surprise People | Kenichi Mizuno | TEDxAnjo
As a designer, Kenichi Mizuno has not only won high acclaim in Japan for his innovative ideas but has also surprised many design awards worldwide. Through his designs, he vividly shares what he has gained and realized through collaborations with various crafters while struggling with the role of a designer.