林 咲良(はやし さくら) | 大学生
2000年愛知県生まれ岩倉市在住。現在、南山大学国際教養学部4年生。現代美術家の両親の元に生まれ、小さい頃は現代アート三昧。3歳からバイオリンを習い始め、4歳の頃から、父と母と自分の三人で、芸術家の家族を訪ねるという活動を行う。2016年、子どもを暴力や非行から守る為に無償で音楽教育を提供するシステム「エルシステマ」について学ぶ為、ロサンゼルスに2週間滞在。 2018年、愛知県のNGOの国際研修にインターンとして参加。2020年春、専門学校卒業後、芸術を活用した地域おこしについて勉強するため大学に編入した。コロナ禍自粛期間中にカメラに触れた事で映像に興味を持ち、卒業後は、映像関係の仕事に就職予定である。
Sakura Hayashi | University student
Born in Aichi, Japan, in 2000, and living in Iwakura, Aichi. Sakura Hayashi is a senior at Nanzan University majoring in Global Liberal Studies. Born to contemporary artists’ parents, she grew up surrounded by modern art and performance. She started playing the violin at the age of three. From the age of four, her father, mother, and herself began visiting other families of artists. In 2016, she spent two weeks in Los Angeles to learn about El Sistema, which provides free music education to protect children from violence and delinquency. In 2018, she participated in an international training program for an NGO in Aichi Prefecture as an intern. In the spring of 2020, after graduating from a vocational school, she transferred to a university to study community development utilizing the arts. During the self-restraint period of the COVID-19 pandemic, she came into contact with cameras and became interested in video, and plans to work in the video industry after graduation.
Not bad for a detour | Sakura Hayashi | TEDxAnjo
日本には「初志貫徹」「首尾一貫」のようにぶれない生き方が美徳とされる風潮があります。 この春社会人になる林咲良も小さな頃から自分が本当にやりたいことを探し求めてきました。たくさんの葛藤と挫折を経験した彼女は、自身の選択に「遠回りも悪くない」と力強く語ります。
Japanese people tend to praise it as a virtue to go through what they have decided once to the end. Sakura Hayashi, who will graduate from college this spring and start working as a professional, has been searching for what she wants to do since she was little. She has experienced a lot of conflicts and setbacks, but now she looks back on her choices and strongly says, “The detour is not so bad.”
2000年愛知県生まれ岩倉市在住。現在、南山大学国際教養学部4年生。現代美術家の両親の元に生まれ、小さい頃は現代アート三昧。3歳からバイオリンを習い始め、4歳の頃から、父と母と自分の三人で、芸術家の家族を訪ねるという活動を行う。2016年、子どもを暴力や非行から守る為に無償で音楽教育を提供するシステム「エルシステマ」について学ぶ為、ロサンゼルスに2週間滞在。 2018年、愛知県のNGOの国際研修にインターンとして参加。2020年春、専門学校卒業後、芸術を活用した地域おこしについて勉強するため大学に編入した。コロナ禍自粛期間中にカメラに触れた事で映像に興味を持ち、卒業後は、映像関係の仕事に就職予定である。
Sakura Hayashi | University student
Born in Aichi, Japan, in 2000, and living in Iwakura, Aichi. Sakura Hayashi is a senior at Nanzan University majoring in Global Liberal Studies. Born to contemporary artists’ parents, she grew up surrounded by modern art and performance. She started playing the violin at the age of three. From the age of four, her father, mother, and herself began visiting other families of artists. In 2016, she spent two weeks in Los Angeles to learn about El Sistema, which provides free music education to protect children from violence and delinquency. In 2018, she participated in an international training program for an NGO in Aichi Prefecture as an intern. In the spring of 2020, after graduating from a vocational school, she transferred to a university to study community development utilizing the arts. During the self-restraint period of the COVID-19 pandemic, she came into contact with cameras and became interested in video, and plans to work in the video industry after graduation.
TEDx Talks:
Not bad for a detour | Sakura Hayashi | TEDxAnjo
日本には「初志貫徹」「首尾一貫」のようにぶれない生き方が美徳とされる風潮があります。 この春社会人になる林咲良も小さな頃から自分が本当にやりたいことを探し求めてきました。たくさんの葛藤と挫折を経験した彼女は、自身の選択に「遠回りも悪くない」と力強く語ります。
Japanese people tend to praise it as a virtue to go through what they have decided once to the end. Sakura Hayashi, who will graduate from college this spring and start working as a professional, has been searching for what she wants to do since she was little. She has experienced a lot of conflicts and setbacks, but now she looks back on her choices and strongly says, “The detour is not so bad.”