左右田 薫/YOICHIRO/まつやまたかし

左右田 薫/YOICHIRO/まつやまたかし(さうだ かおる/よーいちろー)
グラフィック アーティスト/ペインター/イラストレーター

ライブペイントによるエンターテイメントな表現で日本の音楽フェスのアートシーンを牽引。METROCKでのライブペイントやSUMMERSONICの会場装飾を描くART PROJECTにはじまり、安室奈美恵20thアルバム、MAN WITH A MISSIONのジャケットをペイントで公開するなど活動は多岐にわたる。 左右田は「LOVE&PEACE」をメッセージとして掲げ終戦70周年の沖縄慰霊の日の式典会場にペイント作品を展示。まつやまたかしは、「MOTOR PANIC」など絵本4冊を出版、各地で個展も開催している。YOICHIROはGLAY、LiSA、AKB48、EXILEなどのグッズを手掛けた実績がある。

Kaoru Sauda / YOICHIRO / Takashi Matsuyama
Graphic Artist / Painter / Illustrator

Leading artists performing Live Paint entertainment at Japanese music festivals. Their performances are widely ranged from Live Paint at METROCK and at the ART PROJECT for SUMMERSONIC, to public painting events for Namie Amuro’s 20th CD album and MAN WITH A MISSION CD album covers. Kaoru Sauda displayed his enormous painting as a message of LOVE& PEACE at the ceremony hall of the 70th World War II Okinawa Memorial Day. Takashi Matsuyama has published 4 picture books such as “MOTOR PANIC,” and has also held exhibitions of his drawings in several locations. YOICHIRO has designed merchandise for Japanese artists such as GLAY, LiSA, AKB48, and EXILE.

TEDx Talks:

「ライブペイント 祈り咲く」
Live Paint : Pray and Bloom | Kaoru Sauda, YOICHIRO, and Takashi Matsuyama | TEDxAnjo


In confusion and distress, sometimes we face an unexpected misfortune. However, each of us has the power and strength to open up a new path of life. A woman drawn on the center of the enormous canvas shows the blooming of possibilities to open up the future.
With an original sound track composed specifically for this artwork, watch, and your breath will be taken away as it comes to its full completion. (Music by Mitsugu Watanabe and Toshiyuki Kishi)